
Beyond the Horizon

JULY eNewsletter


One intriguing e-newsletter topic suggestion I received was, “Expedited decision making that affects bottom line profits.”  Thank you for the suggestion, Jim!

If I accurately understand the intent, it allows me to touch on several near-and-dear-to-my-heart observations, so let me lead with the not-so-good news …

It seems that ”expedited decision making” - meaning to make any decision happen more quickly - is essentially a lost skill.  I don’t know if that’s because of analysis paralysis, a brain-drain of leadership or reduced resources, yet most organizations make decisions slowly, then compound the problem by decelerating during the implementation process.  As far as I can tell, this tendency affects every industry.

This “pace” means newer, more promising initiatives (whether revenue, audience or oversight) are rarely considered.  MORE worrisome?  Programs that should be consigned to the junk heap are rarely abandoned.  There are plenty.

I’ll forever recall Tom Peters saying, “…For Pete’s sake, if I’m going to get lost, let me do so quickly!”

Here’s my sincere hope - identify ONE THING you will stop doing today!  Do this and, perhaps, expedited decisions can occur since operations will have a teeny bit more time on their hands.  I am certain everyone has more than one special section that has outlived its usefulness, an irksome legacy system despised by all or filling out activity spreadsheets when they’d rather be making sales calls.  What ARE you waiting for?

Here’s a slide I used in a 2008 CNPA presentation, almost 16 years ago!

(When you get a second, look up Dee Hock – he most definitely shook things up!)


Related, yet not an “expedited decision”, consider this a PRAYER that, if answered, will expedite almost everything you do!  If “praying” doesn’t work, perhaps I’ll resort to extortion or bribery:

Stop Selling Products and Start Offering Solutions!

Every new Ad Director or CRO I’ve spoken to in ages (new to the industry, position or promoted) has said something like, “…we rely too much on “one-offs” and this has to stop!

The practice is virtually universal.  I see occasional progress, but inevitably, a new mandate arrives from “corporate”, or the boss/owner attends a convention and that’s the end of progress!

Almost all the time a product (ad, event, etc.) is bought once; a solution, by definition, is 24/7/365.  Which makes more sense?

THINK of the resources you can (potentially) offer local businesses when solving a marketing challenge?!

  • Finding new customers
  • Retaining existing customers
  • Thanking current
  • Recognizing excellence (or achievement, courage, graduation, anniversaries, milestones and more!)
  • Selling
  • Recruitment
  • Training
  • True consultation

With the digital tools and/or partnerships most have at their fingertips I bet you can check every one of these “boxes”.  BUT it gets even better, since you can add content to the mix and also help local businesses inform, educate, guide, refer and more.

Guess what?  When you begin “selling” more long-term solutions you’ll find that translates into more time to expedite decisions!

Maybe Seal said it best in his 1990 hit, “Crazy”?

“… we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy!”

Now that you’ve stopped something that’s no longer worthwhile what are you doing that’s a little CrAZy

Happy Summer!

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